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Trevor B 11:59 Tue Apr 18
General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Teresa May to make announcement on steps of Number 10 at 11:15.

Bit unusual this, they don't usually make surprise announcements like this.

Stepping down due to health reasons?
Bringing forward the general election?
She's the new Doctor Who?
Ted Hastings sacked for sexist behaviour?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Willtell 12:05 Wed Aug 2
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
You have a point Ray...
"Tory pledge to cap energy bills missing from Queen's speech"
I hadn't noticed...

ray winstone 6:11 Tue Aug 1
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
April 23 2017

The Conservative party has promised to intervene in the gas and electricity market if it wins the general election in June, capping prices for two-thirds of British households.

Damian Green, work and pensions secretary, confirmed that price caps would be in the Conservative manifesto, which will be published next month. “Some people feel the energy companies have taken advantage of them,” he told the ITV Peston on Sunday programme.


1st Aug 2017

British Gas will increase electricity prices by 12.5% from 15 September, its owner Centrica has said, in a move that will affect 3.1 million customers.
Gas prices are unchanged, but the average annual dual-fuel bill for a typical household on a standard tariff will rise by £76 to £1,120, up by 7.3%.
Centrica said the rise was a result of transmission and distribution costs and the costs of government policy.

Gotta love the Tories....

Infidel 12:03 Thu Jul 27
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Yes I agree, they are.

Hammer and Pickle 11:47 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
So Fiddle, you seem to be a Randian expert on fiscal policy all of a sudden.

Your pearls of wisdom are delightful.

Infidel 11:30 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
If the government wants to maintain the revenue from road users in a post-petrol/diesel world it can just increase the road tax.

Back of an envelope calculation : putting up road tax by £1,000 per car per year would recoup fully all the lost revenue from fuel duty.

Whether or not they want to do that is another point altogether but all this media guff about how the government will plug the gap after petrol/diesel cars are eliminated is nonsense. You just change the way you tax cars - job done.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:58 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Because... reasons.


Westside 10:54 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Why should the £40 billion hole, fall back on motorists?

Queens Fish Bar 10:08 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Westside 6:59 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)

Speaking of revenues, the ban on petrol and diesel cars will leave the government of the day then, in excess of £40 billion light in fuel related duty and taxes (in today's values), when the ban has fully kicked in. To say nothing on the taxes that oil companies pay on their profits. Hope the government planning this, bear that in mind.

Road charging on basis of time and distance travelled. Uber driverless cars. Why own something with such a low % time usage?

Infidel 8:51 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
You make excellent points.

And I rarely compliment anyone on here.

Westside 7:47 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Not true of obesity though. Food is both cheap and largely VAT free. The overweight should probably be charged for their healthcare.

That's why i din't mention obesity.

Although sweets, fizzy drinks, crisps, takeaway food, biscuits with chocolate on them, all have VAT charged on them though.

Infidel 7:23 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)

Excellent point about smokers and alcoholics. I agree - taxes are sky high on both and there is a case to be made that heavy consumers are already co-paying in a sense.

Not true of obesity though. Food is both cheap and largely VAT free. The overweight should probably be charged for their healthcare.

Westside 6:59 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Infidel, smokers and alcoholics who have abused themselves to the point of illness, would have paid significant amounts in duty and VAT. Alcohol and tobacco duty collects £20 billion a year, for the government. Plus the VAT on top of that which would be massive.

I doubt their treatment costs are that much.

Speaking of revenues, the ban on petrol and diesel cars will leave the government of the day then, in excess of £40 billion light in fuel related duty and taxes (in today's values), when the ban has fully kicked in. To say nothing on the taxes that oil companies pay on their profits. Hope the government planning this, bear that in mind.

Infidel 6:10 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)

There is a very strong case for increasing the co-pay for people who have been reckless with their health.

That would include smokers, the obese, alcoholics and drug users.

You could easily justify asking obese people, say, to pay 50% of the costs of their health care for any obesity related illnesses.

Would have a much greater effect on obesity levels than the daft "sugar tax".

New Jersey 5:22 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
I would be all for paying £15 to see a GP, the only problem is that the gutless politicians would still give it free to those on benefits, so the middle is squeezed again (the rich go private anyway)!

I would also charge the people who use A&E because of being drunk/high on drugs the actual full cost of their treatment.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 5:21 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Infidel 4:53 Wed Jul 26

'As I posted before you can't have a system that penalises the people who have done the right thing and saved for their old age and rewards those who haven't.'

It's fuck all to do with old people though, is it? When the bill becomes due they are dead. It's about subsidising the inheritances of well-off middle-aged people.

Incidentally, you post as if all people with valuable property have had a life of hard work and thrift and all those without are feckless and idle.

This, of course, is bollocks. Again you post like a 19th-century Presbytarian.

Infidel 4:53 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
I'm not anti-NHS!

I just think the NHS should have a different funding method and not be completely free at the point of use.

The one we have here in Sweden is excellent - you pay about £15 to see a GP or use A&E. It stops all the frivolous use of the health service and raises money at the same time. If it works in socialist Sweden why not in the UK?

I'm anti the proposal Theresa May had in her manifesto (it's not a dementia tax by the way) because it was crude and badly thought through.

As I posted before you can't have a system that penalises the people who have done the right thing and saved for their old age and rewards those who haven't.

A voucher system would much more sensible. Everyone gets a voucher for a very basic level of old age social care and if you want to top it up from your own funds to get a bit more luxury you're free to do so.

After8 4:52 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Well last time we had a discussion you got on a high horse over it all.

Just to make sure, you're in favour of free school meals going back to where it was and taking it away from the middle classes?

Gavros 4:51 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
The UK health system actually gets good results given the limited funding in it, when you look at international comparisons.

The best systems tend to be the compulsory private healthcare systems. Obamacare has failed because the GOP managed to take out the compulsory bit from it, which meant that healthy people increasingly didnt sign up/ renew and it'll therefore eventually go bankrupt. What theyre trying to replace it with is even worse.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:44 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
Infidel 4:36 Wed Jul 26

You are simultaneously anti-NHS (by which I mean you would prefer a non-taxpayer funded system) and anti 'dementia tax'.

Since they are both social welfare costs, one that you seek to avoid paying for and one that you seek to get free from the state, that's self-interested hypocrisy right there.

Infidel 4:42 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
You have definitely got me confused with someone else.

I honestly don't give a toss about any of that stuff. It's all trivial.

In general I'm in favour of reining in state spending so my bias is always to cut back on handouts and tax credits and free stuff and the like unless there's a fantastically good reason to do otherwise, which usually there isn't.

You know me well enough to know that - how could you think I would be in favour of the winter fuel allowance?

After8 4:36 Wed Jul 26
Re: General Election 8th June 2017 declares May - (Monotonous arguments PT2)
So you're perfectly fine with free school meals going back to where it was in the past?

And you're perfectly fine for the winter fuel allowance to be reduced to those who really need it?

And you're fine with tax credits being reduced down to only families who have an income lower than the national average?

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